Primary Schools In Igbo-Ukwu

PRIMARY SCHOOLS – 1912 – 1970

As at the beginning of the decade, there were eleven primary schools which were all built and developed through community initiative and solidarity. Some of them were built through mission partnerships which was still basically the community group effort. These primary schools are:

Town School Igbo-Ukwu, Ngo – Founded 1912

Ogwugwu-Agu Central School -1915

Central School Igbo-Ukwu, Ezihu, later St Paul – Founded 1938

Amakpu Primary School, Ngo – Founded 1943

Ngo Primary School, Amaudo, later St Michael’s – Founded 19

Community Primary School, Obiuno, later St Patrick’s – Founded 19

Primary School Obiuno – Founded 1951

Obigbo Central School, Obiuno – Founded 1954

Ihite Primary School, Umudege, Ihite – Founded 1954

Ezihu Primary School, Ihite – Founded 1957

Union Primary School, Ezigbo – Founded 1970

Archaeology Discovery